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Getters for Jo Anna escort wrote:
Crap.... I just saw your other post. see the review
Maxim for Emfrid escort wrote:
You have a CHILD with this 14 year older woman? Oh yikes, cart WAAAAAAY before the horse. see the review
Savoie for Maja Isabell escort wrote:
Someone might say I don't love her, I would say it's more likely that I can't love anybody more then myself or can't put another first, it's always been like this and I don't plan on changing. see the review
Locution for Saveljevna escort wrote:
I feel very sorry for your child. see the review
Shampoo for Hyo Jin escort wrote:
1) Why are people so possessive? If you truly love someone wouldn't you want them to be happy, no matter with who? see the review
Cubica for Najmma escort wrote:
You're not the first person to have this misunderstanding that monogamy is somehow the same thing as possession. A person in a monogamous relationship is not saying "I own you, so you mustn't see other people". They're saying "We agreed to be exclusive to one another from the outset, and I expect you to have enough integrity to stick to that". see the review
Oxidize for Nutsiree escort wrote:
Look at the word you used. Cheated. You didn't say "when you find out someone slept with someone else", which implies at least the possibility of being honest. Cheating means dishonesty, and broken trust, by definition. Are you generally not bothered when people are dishonest? If the answer is no, then are you so far removed from understanding other people that you can't see why for most people the answer is yes? see the review
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